Our new website has officially launched! The previous site was 10 years old and in need of a refresh. Feel free to have a look around and learn a little more about what we do. (By the way, our new site was created for free by a committed volunteer.)
You can now sign up for e-news. We look forward to building a relationship with you, and hope to have some exciting events to share with you in the future. Simply hit "Contact" and fill out our subscription form. (You will receive periodic emails from YEGOCanada@gmail.com, with the option of unsubscribing at any time.)
Easier donations
We've made it even easier to donate to YEGO Rwanda with our new online connection to Canada Helps. Your gifts make a huge difference! (Tax receipts will continue to come from St. Andrew's United Church through Canada Helps.)
We will continue to post updates on our Facebook page. See https://www.facebook.com/YEGORwanda.net. (Please feel free to like, comment and share widely.) Thank you!